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Tatiana Belorussova                            
The article was received: on October 13, 2023
The article was published: on December 2, 2023
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Abstract: The sack of Constantinople in 1204 was a turning point for the Byzantine Empire. The subsequent conquest of the Byzantine territories by the Latins further widened the gap between Western and Eastern Christianity. This article is devoted to the peculiarities of interfaith interaction in the Peloponnese after the Frankish conquest. The policy of religious tolerance towards the local population, which the princes of Achaea pursued, was one of the main reasons for the relatively stable relationship between the Franks and the Greeks. But the Venetians repeatedly tried to prevent the connection of their citizens with the Orthodox, even going so far as to prohibit any Greek priest from performing the sacraments for the Latins in the territories controlled by the Commune. The paper will analyze the issues of the coexistence of Orthodox and Catholics on the peninsula from the time of the Latin conquest to the first half of the fifteenth century. 

Keywords:  Peloponnese, Morea, Catholics, Orthodox, interfaith interaction



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