Ioannis Kaminis |
Abstract: This paper endeavors to explore the concept of the ascetic as the “other” within the historical context of early Christianity and Late Antiquity. Christian asceticism and monasticism have long intrigued scholars due to their revolutionary nature and previously mysterious origins. The persona of the Christian ascetic, as it emerged in Late Antiquity, continues to captivate and command respect to this day. This figure stands as a unique embodiment, bridging the earthly and the heavenly realms, serving as a mediator between humanity and God. The ascetic represents the ultimate “other,” yet remains deeply connected to all of humanity, driven by the goal of union with God. This paper traces the origins of Christian asceticism, its evolution through the theological contributions of figures like Origen, and the archetype of asceticism in Antony the Great, ultimately exploring the transformation of asceticism’s significance in Christian teaching and its relevance in contemporary society.
Keywords: Early Christianity, Late Antiquity, Monasticism, Asceticism, Origen, St. Anthony the Great.
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