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Sorin Paliga                        
The article was received: on November 13, 2023
The article was published: on December 9, 2023
download the article as pdf


Abstract: Two words of the Romanian vocabulary, relevant for both their religious implications and for their origin, have been analyzed. It is not rare to invoke etymology when trying to reconstruct realities of the past. The problems begin when a given etymology is erroneous. The two cases are also relevant from this point of view. The first is Crăciun ‘Christmas’, also (at dialectal level) ‘piece of wood, a branch’. The various attempts to explain its origin from Latin (the most evoked is creatio, creationis), from Sl. Kračun, and even from Albanian kërcú are erroneous. The analysis attempts a radical correction to all these explanations. It is connected to the old beliefs in fires, in this case, connected to the winter solstice. Frazer’s The Golden Bough offers relevant parallels in various cultural areas. A brief comparison with Hanukkah is also presented. The second series of terms refers to the semantic sphere ‘to save someone from sin, error or evil’. This is reflected in the forms a mântui ‘to save, to redeem’ (in the religious sense), mântuire, the corresponding noun, and Mântuitorul ‘the Saviour’, i.e., Jesus Christ. The hypothesis of a Hungarian origin of the Romanian forms should be discarded, although largely accepted. Neither the linguistic-etymological approach, nor the place of these forms in the general vocabulary allows for such a view. The Romanian forms must be explained as derived from the Latin *manu tuitus < manu tueor, the initial meaning referring to a doctor’s hands healing a sick or wounded person, then extended to the magic hands of Jesus. Both the classical Latin texts and the early Christian texts, notably St. Augustine’s Confessions offer clear examples.

Keywords:  Christmas, Midwinter fires, to heal, magic hands.


BER = Georgiev et al. 1971–2017

DEX = dexonline.ro

TESz = Benkő 1967–198

0WAD = Buchholz et al. 1977


Opera Sancti Augustini

Confessiones / Confessions, texte établi et traduit par Pierre de Labriolle, 10e tirage. Bilingual edition Latin and French. Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1969. 

Confessions, English version, translated by E. B. Pusey in Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3296/3296-h/3296-h.htm [visited on July 4th, 2023].

Confessions, translated by Henry Chadwick, Oxford University Press 1991.


Britannica = https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hanukkah/Traditions

DEX (Dicționarul explicativ al limbii române) – http://dexonline.ro/

Prima Elementa. Dictionnaire Latin-Français – http://www.prima-elementa.fr/Dico.htm 

Scriba, Latin-English dictionary, https://apps.apple.com/app/id1439798821


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